31313 Northwestern Hwy.
Suite 200
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

Are You Married to a Narcissist? Understanding the Emotional Maze

Married to a Narcisist

Being married to a narcissist or living with a spouse who exhibits narcissistic traits can be perplexing and emotionally devastating. Such relationships often bring a unique set of challenges that can affect your mental health and overall well-being. If you’re reading this because you suspect your spouse is a narc, you know this already! Below, […]

Counseling, Therapy and Parenting Time

It is in the best interest of a child to have a strong relationship with both of his or her parents however, the right to parenting time is not absolute… yes, that is Michigan law.  The Court has a broad range of “tools” to protect the “best interest” and safety of minor children.  Counseling and […]